
15K Discord Members in 30 days- Megaverse

Megaverse requested a community-driven marketing strategy with a minimum following of 5K Discord members and a minimum engagement rate of 4%.
With the help of data-mapping and community-driven marketing strategies, we were able to achieve the set target in just 30 days of campaigning.

Introdution to the Project

The Binance based metaverse ecosystem, Megaverse, focused on bringing all the members of all social media platforms under one roof. With a land system divided in the form of market cap of each specific coin. Built with an unreal engine, their graphics and interactivity is unlike anything in the market currently.


The main USP of Megaverse is it opens the gateway to a different and better reality. You can own your private island, mega villa and penthouse, land parcel and much more.
Owning land in the metaverse is like buying land in New York 250 years ago.

 Our KPIs

1. Community growth by 100%

Megaverse was a nascent project and wanted to build a community from scratch. The initial benchmark set by Megaverse was community growth by 100%.

2. Project awareness by 55%

One of the major KPIs set by Megaverse was to increase the project awareness by at least 55% and start building a loyal and engaged community for the project.

3. Community engagement by 4%

Being a new project in the web3 landscape, they wanted the members to be active and engaged in all the activities. They were looking for loyal community members and wanted to increase the community management by 4%.


1. A lot of FUD in the community

There were many giveaways sessions held, but the prizes were never really distributed which led to a lot of FUD among the community and started ruining the project reputation.

2. Nascent Project

One of the major challenges we faced was, it was a nascent project and we had to build everything from scratch, the content, the community and all the social media platforms.


1. Community Management

Social media content is an essential component of cryptocurrency project promotion.
It focuses on spreading the word about the project’s product or service and emphasizing its accomplishments and successes.
Build hype to reach where your users are most active.

Our Approach 

Top Funnel 

1. Refurbished content style

We had to create a refurbished content style which resonated with the project and the audience. We had to create engaging content for the members to create a hype around the project.

2. Created organic ties with other discord servers

To widen our reach, we had to create organic ties with many other discord servers. This helped with bringing more traction to our platform and keeping the buzz around the project.

Middle Funnel 

1. KOL outreach

With the help of KOL outreach, we created visibility across every single platform. The KOLs helped us connect with the right target audience for the project.
Created concise goals with KOLs and along with the partnership team found an innovative way to share across the messaging through a new niche of influencers.

Bottom Funnel 

1. Organic Community Tie Ups

We created organic community tie ups with a football server on discord to create a very targeted and specific channel of communication regarding their marketing outputs which allowed the team to focus on the other aspects.

Goals Achieved 

Metrics at a Glance 

Client Testimonial

“We are really happy with the campaign results. Blockwiz has managed to surpass all the expectations we had from them. We wanted a community-driven marketing strategy, and they delivered it.”